Hello. My name is King. I am a police “Sniffer” dog. I’m a pure-bred “Alsatian.” I say "Alsatian" because, as an American in the service of our country and municipality, I resent the connotations of, “German Shepherd.” It carries a whiff of World War Two, of armbands and leather-jacketed thugs, barbed-wire, search lights, interrogations, reprisals, and…


He squeezed the railing tightly, the better to keep from launching himself over it and into the night below. She had said that thing that couldn’t be unsaid. Described him in a quite novel way, said that she had overlooked it out of love for him, that he was disgusting, a unique pig, a never-to-be-healed sore…


"Europe today is a powder keg and the leaders are like men smoking in an arsenal. A single spark will set off an explosion that will consume us all. I cannot tell you when that explosion will occur, but I can tell you where. Some damned foolish thing in the Balkans will set it off." --…


“You ain’t going anywhere, today. We ain’t.” “Why’s that?” “There’s no flights going to New York.” “Newark, then?” “Nix, man. No place. No where. No York, No Newark. No Wark. No… Body.” I shifted to the other desk. “What about you?” Still no. I ventured over to HeronAir. “You guys going?” “No can do, Sir.…

The New Janissaries

We get the word from the Turkish, Yenicheri, meaning “New Soldiers.” The Ottoman custom was to kidnap boys or to take them as tribute from the vassal lands of the Christian Balkans, to force them to convert to Islam, and to make of them the Sultan’s soldiers-elite, his guardians, until they rose high enough and…